“This is an extraordinary course, for which I am very grateful! We are very fortunate to be able to listen to these interviews with such luminaries. Thank you so very much. I look forward to the continuing beauties of this course.” ~Victoria Moore, LPC, Dean of Students, Ubiquity University
A 501(3)(c) non-profit dedicated to uniting the latest science, ancient wisdom, and cutting-edge healing practices in ways accessible to all..
Join a thriving community of fellow educators & practitioners
Self paced modules, no classes to attend, access anytime!
Heal yourself & others with cutting-edge practices
Exclusive teachings & discussions from the world's most respected healers across multiple fields
Access the latest published research in placebo, mind-body, and energy healing
Power up your energy and resilience with robust & easy to follow self-healing practices
Articulate your "case" for your healing practice with the latest scientific research & case studies
Learn the latest techniques & devices for biofield healing
Downloadable worksheets & papers for yourself & clients
Over 30 hours of exclusive, in-depth video content
Earn 21 CE credits (optional)
Full refund guarantee
And so much more!
Join a thriving community of fellow educators & practitioners
Self paced modules, no classes to attend, access at anytime from your phone or computer
Over 30 hours of exclusive, in-depth video content
Power up your energy and resilience with robust & easy to follow self-healing practices
Exclusive teachings & discussions from the world's most respected healers across multiple fields
Access cutting-edge published research in placebo, mind-body, and energy healing
Learn the latest techniques & devices for biofield healing
Earn 21 CE credits (optional)
Full refund guarantee
And so much more!
Mental health & medical professionals:
Expand your knowledge with cutting-edge healing practices from world-class teachers.
Biofield, Reiki, etc. practitioners:
Level-up your practice & marketing with scientific proof & new techniques.
Therapists & coaches:
Offer whole-person approach to wellness.
Researchers & educators:
Access latest scientific studies.
All students receive a Course Completion Certificate. 21 CE credits also available (optional).
Self healers:
Access to latest self-healing & evidence based practices. Struggling with hard to diagnose & treat illnesses.
Wellness fans:
Energize your mind & body with next level whole-person techniques.
Access the latest scientific research & practices for mind, body & spirit.
"This course united the two passions of my life, science and spirituality, in the way I had been working tirelessly to do so. It's like the core of what I have been searching for has been provided by the universe. Thank you.” - Alana Sarah
Cancer Center
You will find tremendous value in this course! Guaranteed!
Many practitioners use the course as a resource for leveling up their professional practice. We've organized the latest scientific research, saving you countless hours. We also provide overview videos and panel discussions to help you interpret and implement the teachings.
The course modules also include many self-healing practices and meditations. It's a unique combination of both theory and practice necessary for whole body healing.
All of the video content was filmed exclusively for the course and is not found anywhere else.
Access the course from your mobile phone or desktop computer
No classes to attend – learn at your own pace
Well organized content lets you jump to modules immediately applicable to your practice
Unlimited access – the course is yours to keep and does not expire
Access the latest scientific research to validate and refine your healing practice
Join a thriving community of fellow practitioners
Help yourself or others heal with best-in-class evidence and practices
With optional 21 CE credits
You can purchase CE credits for only $75 at the time you enroll or later on after starting the course.
Video testimonial from Suzanne
Video testimonial from Akash
Video testimonial from Alana
"This is exactly what I need for this moment. I'm trying to incorporate these findings and teachings into my clinic practice and share with my colleagues.” ~ Cindy Kelly
"I am extremely grateful for all of this content! I already feel concepts I have been grappling with for the last few years in my spiritual journey crystallize and land with much deeper understanding and clarity.
I am excited to do my part in bringing these concepts to my patients with lupus.” - Cristina Lanata
“This is an extraordinary course, for which I am very grateful! We are very fortunate to be able to listen to these interviews with such luminaries. Thank you so very much. I look forward to the continuing beauties of this course.”
~Victoria Moore, LPC, Dean of Students, Ubiquity University
"I really love the course. Brilliant, inspiring, moving! Great combination of practices and content.” ~ Nancy Bogers-Moors, Teacher & Biologist
"Thank you for making it easy to understand!” - Peter
"I’m so grateful to have found this course! I am learning so much and it’s exciting to me! I am understanding the science behind my practice as a healer and with this education, I can enlighten and better help my clients.” ~ MR
“I am very interested in varying points of view on the subject of healing, and this has given many different perspectives on the subject. I really like the mix of science, ancient teachings religious view points, and where they overlap in the ongoing history of the human story. Thank you Dr. Jain.” ~ EJ
"I am so happy and grateful for this opportunity and for this amazing course. I feel like kid in a candy store getting all in lol. I feel connected even though we don’t know each other. And, Shamini Jain's energy, wisdom and clarity is impressive. I loved her :)” ~ Elizabeth G.
“This course is a beautiful, thoughtful, and thorough introduction to the science of healing.
Importantly, the course brings essential aspects of our well-being - consciousness and the biofield to the forefront. It bridges what ancient traditions have always known into modern day language, with practical applications, and the scientific evidence to support it.
Thank you to Shamini Jain and all the staff and faculty involved in bringing this rich contribution to healthcare, the healing arts, science and medicine.” - Jennifer Bolus
“I am loving this course which I feel is bringing all my previous learning of theoretical, psychological, spiritual and ancient wisdoms together.” - Debs Spratling
“I love the energy as well as the content of this course.” - Ingrid Serck-Hanssen
“I'm so glad that I took this course!” - Cindy Kelly
“I'm a writer, Reiki master teacher, and meditation group facilitator. I'm a healer, not a scientist. I so appreciate that the course is open to anyone who thirsts for this information and level of discussion.”
~ Daphne Gilman, Reiki Master Teacher
“The consilience of disciplines presented in the course is an enormous breakthrough for science, religion and all wisdom traditions.” ~ J. VanDatta
“I am deeply grateful for being able to access these valuable data and materials, as well as connection to the amazing faculty and community you kindly gathered in the Science of Healing Course!” ~ Alina Sem (Kyiv, Ukraine)
“The organization of the course is wonderful! I've done a lot of learning on my own in healing (many courses, books, webinars etc) and it can get overwhelming. Everyone has their individual modalities and research to promote, but the big picture is always missing.
This course has done a great job of helping me create a big picture/broader understanding and then also the details to back it up. It has also given me a lot of research and resources to use in the future in my own business and advocacy work.
This course is monumental to help all of us become change agents and advocates in healing that is accessible and for everyone! Also, it gives us practical credentials for those of us who already have other academic degrees, but want to add to our expertise in an affordable and time manageable way.” ~ JS
“I like that there is a combination of different types of content including lectures, panel discussions, practices, readings, etc. The diversity is refreshing and engaging.” - JD
“This is a unique course both in its approach and content. In my Swedish context I find that these topics and discussions are highly needed.” - Marian
“Appreciative that this course was at the perfect time for me & where I am at in my career journey! Thank you for creating the wonderful learning experience!" - Jeannie Frances
"This course united the two passions of my life, science and spirituality, in the way I had been working tirelessly to do so. It's like the core of what I have been searching for has been provided by the universe. Thank you.” - Alana Sarah
“Thank you for bringing the truth of my heart, useful healing practice and
beautiful meditation all under one course!”- Mariann
Jude Currivan, Ph.D.,
Deepak Chopra, M.D.,
Pamela Miles
Gregg Braden,
Paul Mills, Ph.D.,
Sue Morter, DC
David Vago, Ph.D.,
Erik Groessl, Ph.D,
Jennifier Daubenmeir, Ph.D.,
Vikas Srivastava, M.A.
Kelly Turner
Louis Gagnon
Susan Lutgendorf, Ph.D.,
Helane Wahbeh, Ph.D.,
Donna Eden
Module 6: Energy Effects Under the Skin: Healing Effects in Cells & Animals
Mike Levin, Ph.D.,
Rauni King, R.N.
Module 7: Biofield & Subtle Energy Devices: Exploring Evidence & Practice
Ross Dunseath, Ph.D.
Module 8: Consciousness & the Evolution of Healthcare
Dan Vicario, M.D.,
Cassandra Vieten, Ph.D.,
Maya Shetreat, M.D.,
Grace Sesma
No. There are no classes to attend or set schedule. Complete the course at your own pace.
All modules are pre-recorded and immediately available once you enroll in the course. The course is yours to keep, FOREVER! Access the course content from your mobile phone or computer at anytime.
Many students complete the course in 4-10 weeks when studying for the optional CE credits. However, there is no required timeline for receiving the Course Certificate of Completion.
Tuition for the course is normally $800 USD. The course includes a treasure trove of valuable content worth far more than the cost of tuition.
As a 501(3)(c) non-profit, the Consciousness & Healing Initiative (CHI) created the course to be accessible to as many people as possible while still covering the cost of creating and maintaining the course. All proceeds of the course go towards course content updates and furthering CHI's mission.
If you are in need of financial assistance to access the course, please content support@scienceofhealing.org
Click HERE for the full course syllabus. The course is organized into 8 powerful modules on different whole-person healing topics.
No, you do not. This course is appropriate for anyone interested in the science of healing. Everyone who completes the course will get a Certificate of Completion at the end. Optional CE credits are also available.
How long does it take to complete the course?
The live version of the course was originally offered over 8 weeks. The current pre-recorded version is self-paced. All modules are immediately available once you enroll. Most students who enroll in CE credits complete the course in 4-10 weeks. However, the course is designed as a valuable reference tool. You can revisit the practices and reference material any time you like. The course is yours to keep.
Yes! You will have access to the student community as well as occasional live events with Dr. Shamini Jain and guest faculty. The student support group is vibrant community for discussion with other practitioners.
Who is eligible for CEs and what is required?
Mental healthcare providers and nurses interested in obtaining 21 CE credits for this course, will have that option. 21 CE Credits will be provided For an additional $75, through our partners, the Spiritual Competency Academy, who are APA approved and California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) approved. Click here to learn more about CEs and your eligibility. To gain CE credits, you will take a test of about 10-12 questions after each module and receive a certificate of attendance at the end. CE questions will be based on the overview presentations and peer review papers provided. (You are NOT required to attend live QAs for CE Credit.)
Yes! The course is packed with incredibly valuable information and practices that will benefit you for years to come. However, if you find the course does not meet your expectations, you can receive a full refund within 14 days of enrollment.
The course is already priced far below its value in an attempt to make it accessible to as many people as possible. However, if you are in need of financial assistance, please content support@scienceofhealing.org
Cancer Center
co-founder, SDCRI
Hammerschlag, Ph.D.
Consciousness & Healing Initiative
San Francisco State University
Doctorat ès Lettres et
Sciences Humaines
Mimi Guarneri, M.D.
Radical Hope!
Vikas Srivastava, M.A.
Director, Legacy Early College
Rauni King, R.N., M.I.H,
Executive Director
Pacific Pearl La Jolla
©2023 Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI)
CHI is an established 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.
EIN/TaxID Number: 82-356796